
Similar Challenges (Human Tavros X Reader)

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Literature Text

Similar Challenges


*Tavros’ POV

I was rolling down a not so busy sidewalk just wandering around. I could never really manage to move around when it was a crowded area. Others never really paid much attention to anything below their eye level, and the fact that this wheelchair is pretty easy to bump into and push back doesn’t make going anywhere easy. I always have to take the less crowded streets if I want to go somewhere without someone helping me around.

Sure my friends try to understand the challenges of not being able to walk but they can’t really grasp what it really feels like. Gamzee helps me get around and tries to make me feel less useless and alone, but it’s still lonely to be like this. Stuck in a chair with no one else that really understands what it’s like. No one to talk to about being crippled, it’s hard.

Damn it, I need to focus more on where I’m going. These bystanders, they just stare like I’m a freak show. Why don’t they just go on and continue walking? They don’t need to stare, and they could at least step aside, but no.

Who the heck is that? Okay so it’s clearly someone I don’t know, it’s a girl, she looks pretty tall. She’s wearing a hat and looking down. The girl’s walking kind of weird too, but who am I to judge. She seems to be coming straight for me. I’ll just stop here, she’s still coming.

*third person’s POV

The unknown figure smiled slightly at little Tavros. She were trying to come over to him. She didn’t mean harm just wanted to talk with him. Tavros was terrified from the fact that a stranger was advancing towards him. She looked up a bit letting Tavros see their face.

The female crouched down to his level smiling at him. Tavros blushed sitting back in his wheelchair. The girl just softened her look on him running a hand over the arm of his wheelchair.

“I remember being in these, going everywhere in them. It’s hard to get around in them huh?” The person said looking into Tavros’ chocolate brown eyes, their _eye color_ eyes holding memorize of loneliness.

“uHH, i’M SORRY, wHH-WHAT?” Tavros asked a bit confused with the strangers statement.

“I remember sitting in wheelchairs, how it’s so hard to get around. People don’t even notice that your coming along until they’re about to hit you pushing back the chair.” The stranger said smiling at him. “Not much of a problem for me now though.” The girl stood up rolling up the leg of her _fav color_ jeans showing prosthetic legs.

Tavros was surprised, this girl had been in a wheelchair. Now he understood, she knew what it was like. He looked her in the eye smiling happily to have met someone that knew what it was like.

“yOU WERE IN A WHEELCHAIR TOO?” He wanted to clarify.

“Yeah, I got these prosthetic legs a few months ago. Not easy to walk in though. My name’s ____ ____ by the way.” ____ said happily holding out a hand.

“i’M TAVROS NITRAM” He took your hand shaking it softly.

“Nice to meet you Tavros. Not every day I come across someone else with the same challenges I went through. I had to say hi, sorry if I startled you.” You said chuckling awkwardly.

“iiT’S ALRIGHT, uHH SO WHY WERE YOU IN A WHEELCHAIR?” Tavros couldn’t help but be a little curious with this stranger.

“How about I get us something to drink at a nice café I know and I tell you there?” You said hoping he’d agree.

Tavros blushed at the offer, was ____ asking him on a date? No just to have a nice drink, he could calm down. He nodded his head backing up in his wheelchair rolling next to ____. You smiled stepping behind him rolling his wheelchair.

“Relax I’ll take you, you can rest your arms.” You said starting for the café.

Tavros smiled feeling his chest lighten to have met someone that understood. He waited while you got him inside getting his wheelchair next to a table. You smiled ordering two _fav drink_, Tavros was pretty adorable sitting there.

“So, you want to know why I was in a wheelchair?” You said as someone came by with your drinks.

“uHH, yEAH IF YOU DON’T MIND SHARING.” He said while taking a sip of his cup.

“Well, when I was younger I would always play around with my friends. Then one day we were playing near a cliff. It wasn’t very high up so we didn’t think it was dangerous. One friend got upset with me and pushed me too hard, I fell down and hit my back on a rock. When I couldn’t feel most of my legs I knew it wasn’t good.” You stopped taking in a breath, “I went to the emergency room and they told me I was paralyzed. I could still move the uppermost part of my leg, but I can’t move all of my leg. I stayed in my wheelchair and I didn’t keep track of how many years. A few months ago someone suggested I get prosthetic legs and so I did. I got my legs amputated and got the fake ones. But I still use my wheelchair from time to time and when I’m home.” You finished your story and looked up at Tavros. He was listening intently.

*____s POV

I grinned at Tavros. Someone was actually listening to the story. Most would just ask to seem polite but he really seemed interested. I couldn’t help it, it was great to meet another person that had the challenges of being a cripple. I hugged him surprising both him and myself, I blushed but continued hugging him.

I pulled back from the hug smiling sheepishly at him. I could see there was a slight blush on his face. I’m sure he could clearly see me blushing, if he wasn’t so adorable it wouldn’t being so awkward. Sure he looked short, and it’s easy to take pity on him, but I know better than to see cute as that. He had a rather child like face, his Mohawk made him look like a little tough guy even though he was more sweet.

I couldn’t help it, it feels like I’ve met my prefect match. He knows what it’s like having to go through the challenges of moving around without your own legs.

*Tavros’ POV

This is so strange, ____ is so different. ____ is bubbly friendly, and shy from time to time. That surprise hug was nice, she seemed real glade to have seem me listening. So similar to my story. I feel excepted, sure I barely know ____ but ____ seems like a nice person. She knows what it’s like being in a wheelchair.

“S-sorry about that, I couldn’t help it. Not many listen to my story.” ____ was blushing embarrassed probably. I don’t mind.

“uHH ITS OKAY ____, i DON’T MIND.” I said it smiling hoping she’d smile back.

____ did smile, she tried glancing away from me with a bashful blush trailing across her face. I took another sip of my drink, it really isn’t all too bad. Now there’s an awkward silence, what to do. Maybe I’ll say how I ended up in my wheelchair, let ____ know how similar we are.

“dO YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW I, uHH, eNDED UP IN MY WHEELCHAIR?” I asked somewhat timid, ____ seemed intrigued.

There goes a nod, I’ll take that as a yes, alright how should I start off. Well there is that fact that I was a FLARPer and I was just going around when Vriska, spider obsessed friend, decided to make me jump off a cliff. Then when I fell I couldn’t feel my legs. I was paralyzed because of her and she mocks me about it. And now I’m in a wheelchair talking to this really friendly person and I’m getting kind of nervous.

“Well you’re a pretty great guy Tavros. Sorry that you lost your legs to some spider bitch.” ____ said, was I talking out loud?

“uHH, wAS I SPEAKING OUT LOUD?” I asked and ____ just chuckled.

“Yeah actually, it’s pretty cute that you were thinking out loud without knowing.” Damn it, I’m blushing again.

*____s POV

I chuckled again, Tavros was pretty cute when he blushed. I checked my watch, dang I have to leave. I don’t want to leave Tavros though. I’ll just give him my number so he can call me later.

I checked my pockets finding a pen, I grabbed a napkin writing down my home and mobile number. I smiled handing the napkin to Tavros. He looked at it a bit confused.

“I have to leave right now, it was really great meeting you Tavros. I’d love to talk with you again, maybe we could meet up sometime.” I said while setting down the money for our drinks.

I got up dusting off my _fav color_ jeans. Tavros grabbed my arm as I was about to walk off. I turned to face him looking at him. I was a bit confused, why would he stop me?

“uH, ____, wHEN SHOULD I CALL YOU?” He was so shy about asking.

“Whenever you can, if I don’t pick up just try again or leave a message. See you around Tavros.” I said winking as I left, careful nearly lost my footing.

As I was leaving I felt my phone vibrate, it was a text message. I checked it confused.

“hEY ____, jUST WANTED TO MAKE SURE THIS WAS THE RIGHT NUMBER HEH, }: )” It was Tavros, I looked back smiling.

“Alright Tavros, talk to you later ; )” I texted back smiling as I left.

*third person’s POV

Both left the café feeling their spirits lifted, they found someone that understood. They had someone to talk to about their challenges, someone they could vent to about it that would take it to a personal level. Something clicked between them, their terrible experiences, their challenge, their attitudes, the way they made each other blush. It would be impossible for either of them to pinpoint exactly why they felt how they did about the other.

~Gamzee unicycles around to change time~

*Second person POV

You had just gotten home, you had to go finish some route stuff and you were a bit tired. Yet you’d never be able to sleep right now, you needed to wait for Tavros’ call. It’ll be fun talking to him over the phone. You start trying to plan something for the two of you to do. You sigh.

You get your wheelchair sitting down in it. You get your prosthetic legs off rubbing what’s left. You set your legs down rolling into your kitchen. You got out some refreshing _fav flavor smoothy_ and some crackers. You rolled into your living room flicking on the Television and started watching _fav show_.

You had finished your crackers when you hear your phone ring. You hurried rolling yourself over to the phone picking up.

“Hello?” You said waiting.

“uHH HEY ____, i JUST WANTED TO CALL LIKE YOU SAID TO.” He sounded so timid on the phone.

“Hey its great to hear from you. Hey Tavros I was thinking, maybe we could do some wheelchair racing.” You were pretty excited thinking about it.

“uHH, wHEELCHAIR RACING?” Tavros was confused.

“Yeah we just race but in our wheelchairs, like we hurry to a corner and see who can get there first. Trust me Tavros it’s fun.” You tried holding back how excited you were.

“sURE I GUESS, uHH WHEN DO YOU WANT TO MEET UP?” He sounded skeptical.

“How about you text me your address and I come pick you up tomorrow Tavros?” You said clinging to your mobile phone.

“sURE ____, gIVE ME A SECOND AND I’LL GET IT TO YOU.” You squealed in your mind waiting for the text.

“Okay I got it, See you tomorrow Tav!” You said smiling, you heard him hang up, you rolled around happily.

*Tavros’ POV

I am pretty excited about this, ____ seems so fun. It was almost like a date, except it wasn’t really officially a date. Maybe I should share with my friends that I met ____. I could probably rub it in Vriska’s face that ____ is a nice person that excepts me as a cripple. Yeah I’ll prove to her that being me doesn’t mean I can’t meet other people.

adiosToreador [AT] began trolling arachnidsGrip [AG]


AG: Oh helloooooooo Toredork.

AG: What is soooooooo important that you think you can start trolling me a8out it?



AG: So what Toredork?


AG: Now your making stuff up Tav.

AG: What girl would 8e interested in talking to you?
AG: 8eing if she was real and a cripple she’d know what a fuss it is to 8e friends with you.

AG: So your lyyyyyyyying.



AG: Oh yeah?

AG: How are you going to do that?


AG: Are you suggesting I spy on your meet up with your imaginary friend?

AT: uHH,,

AG: Alright but just to prove your imagining things.


AG: Whateveeeeeeeer Toredork. Bye.

arachnidsGrip [AG] ceased trolling adiosToreador [AT]

Dang it, that’s going to ruin tomorrow. Vriska will be spying on me and ____ and that’s just going to creep her out. Maybe I’ll tell ____ take Vriska will be spying on us. Yeah then she can be prepared. Wait, if ____ knows ahead of time that Vriska will be spying she may try to fight her. ____ probably wouldn’t win a fight against Vriska so I have to avoid that.

Maybe I’ll just tell her that a pal will be stalking me. Yeah, then she wont mind and she won’t have to know. I just hope Vriska won’t try anything funny. I’d hate it if she embarrasses me.

“uH hey ____, i THOUGHT YOU SHOULD KNOW, oNE OF MY FRIENDS WILL BE STALKING ME TOMORROW,, }: )” There, now send the text. Now she’ll know.

Huh, she seems to have already replied. That was pretty quick. Wonder what she thinks. No point wondering best I just check her text.

“Aw now I won’t be able to have you all to myself Tavros~ I had so many plans for us to spend time together, just you and me~” That’s what it read, now my cheeks are hot.

What the heck?! Was ____ serious? She was going to flirt? I think I’m starting to panic a little from that. I had just met ____ and now she’s saying she was planning to spend time alone with me.

“uHH,, w-wHAT D-DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?,, }://x” I had to try hiding some of my embarrassment. There goes my phone again.

“I’m kidding Tavros. Sure I was hoping we could chill together but it’s fine if you have a pal tag along. I don’t mind. It’d be great to meet some of your friends. Hehe ; )” I sighed, okay so she wasn’t being a creepy flirt.

“aLRIGHT ____, i JUST WANTED TO LET YOU KNOW,” I texted back and wheeled myself over to get a drink.

____ sure seems fine with my friends interrupting our get together. Maybe I’ll have Gamzee tag along so he can get to know her. Yeah, then he can be proof that she’s real since Vriska wouldn’t admit it. Maybe it won’t be so bad.

~Dave changes time with his god tier powers *now it is next day~

* ____ POV

Alright I have my bag, my phone, some money. I’m all set. Time to hop into my wheelchair and roll out of my place. Okay now to find Tavros’ home. If I’m right its just a few minutes maybe half an hour away by wheelchair. If I didn’t plan on wheelchair racing with Tav I would have used my legs to get there faster. Oh well it was worth a shot, not everyday that I get to wheelchair race.

HEY WATCH IT ASSHAT! Damn these little fuckers and their inability to see me rolling near them. I really wish I could get bigger wheels on this thing so people would see me at eye level. NO your not going to start getting frustrated about this right now, no your going to calm down. You need to calm down so you can have a descent composure around Tavros.

Why are my cheeks getting warm? Am I blushing just thinking about Tavros? What the heck is with that boy and his ability to make me blush? At least I have my hat, I can just look down to hide it, there we go. Now I just have to fix the hat…done, perfect.

Maybe it’s his adorable behavior that gets me blushing. Or how he always has such an innocent smile on his face, or his canines that poke out. Why am I remembering so many of his facial features? That doesn’t make sense, I barely know that much about my co-workers. Why would I remember his canines? Damn it I can’t stop blushing.

Easy ____ just take deep breaths like you taught yourself. There, the blush is starting to calm down. I just hope there isn’t much trace of it once I get over to Tavros’ home. Maybe me and him can go into a little rap battle one I get there. That would be killer, nah he’d think it’s weird, he probably already thinks I’m weird. I fucking flirted with him about wanting to spend time alone with him in text and I would actually try doing that now? That is so many mixed messages.

Oh is that his place up a head. It is, cool, I must have lost track of time while I was thinking. Alright, lets see, yup that’s the right place. So great that he has his own ramp to get up to the door. So much easier than finding a stick and banging on the door from afar. Knock knock little guy, your friend’s here to play. Well that sounds stupid even in my head.

“Hey Tavros! Oh, who’s that? Am I interrupting something?” Tavros had opened the door but I noticed some other guy in the house with him. OMG does Tav have a boyfriend?

“WoW tAvBrO yOu WeReN’t JoKiNg AbOuT hEr BeInG iN a WhEeLcHaIr. HeY tHeRe MoThErFuCkEr.” Okay who the hell is this guy? He seems high.

“Uh, hey there. Did Tavros tell you about me?” I couldn’t help but ask, he’s a bit off, I need to know.

“YeAh, He WaS aLl Up AnD tElLiNg Me AbOuT yOu JuSt NoW mOtHeRfUcKeR.” He really must be stoned, wait did he just honk. Alright..

“Okay than, Tavros would you mind introducing me to your pal?” I smiled trying to be as polite as possible.

“uH YEAH, ____ THIS IS GAMZEE, gAMZEE THIS IS ____.” Tavros waved me in smiling.

“Hey Gamzee, are you one of Tavros’ cool friends?” I smiled shyly at him, he is a bit creepy but seems cool.

“hElLs YeAh MoThErFuCkEr, It’S gReAt To MeEt YoU, tAvBrO kEpT tElLiNg Me HoW yOuR aLl CoOl AnD sHiT.” He offered a hand, I gladly shook it. He seems cool.

“Well you sure seem cool yourself. Hey Tav I was thinking on my way here, maybe we could try throwing down some sick raps before we head off.” I still suggested it, sure it’s a bit weird for me to rap but hey maybe he’s up for it.

“wOw SiS yOu ThRoW dOwN sIcK bEaTs ToO? bRo ShE iS sIcK.” Gamzee sure seems fond of the idea.

“i DIDN’T KNOW YOU RAPPED ____.” There goes Tavros being cute.

“Yeah I actually do. Are either of you up for the challenge?” I had a smirk on waiting for their answer.

“sUrE sIs, LeTs StArT tHis.” Gamzee was up for it and so was Tav.

*Second person POV

It didn’t take long for the three of you to get deep into a rap battle. In your opinion Gamzee seemed to have won, but Tavros insisted it was you. You found that Gamzee was a pretty cool guy to have around, with some conversation you found that he clearly wasn’t Tavro’s boyfriend. You question why you jumped at the idea that they had a romantic relationship in the first place.

You got kind of bored with the simple raps. Tavros showed you around his place and you just smiled with how he kept it. It was cozy and wheelchair friendly of course. Gamzee lurked around you and was more than willing to push your wheelchair. You chuckled when he asked to sit in your lap. You obliged and rolled outside so it was more open. He really was weird but he was entertaining.

As you spun around with Gamzee, you remembered why you made the long ride here. You stopped spinning and asked Gamzee to get off as Tavros starting rolling towards you. You smiled happily and pointed towards the corner at the end of the block.

“You remember my original plans for this get together right Tav? Wheelchair racing. Come on lets give it a shot.” You said rolling to the sidewalk.

Tavros wheeled next to you smiling, “iT’S SO ON ____.” Damn he was acting cute with trying to be competitive.

“Alright Tav, 3, 2, 1!” you quickly started rolling towards the corner.

You loved racing in your wheelchair, it was better than when you use to race on your legs when you had them. You look to your side and find Tavros nearly tied with you. You chuckled laughing like an idiot and tried to gain more speed. At the last stretch Tavros managed to roll ahead of you. You both laugh happily and roll back to Gamzee.

“Hey Gamzee do you want to give it a try?” You asked still happy.

“SuRe SiS, yOu MiNd Me UsInG yOuR cHaIr?” He stood walking over to you.

“Not at all Gamz, just help me out and I can make my way to a spot on the lawn.” You said smiling.

Gamzee smiled and easily lifted you out of your chair. He brought you to the lawn and gently placed you down so you could sit. He got into your wheelchair and tried to get comfy in it. You explained to him how to control it so he wouldn’t get hurt. Him and Tavros quickly started racing each other, you laughed amused. But you started to hear steps coming from behind you. You turned your head to see some girl with long messy hair looking down at you.

“So it seems he wasn’t lying a8out you. What a shame that he has to have a crap friend like yoooooooou.” Who the hell was she to say that.

“Excuse me little miss bitch, but who the fucking hell are you to be talking to me like that?” You snapped back propping yourself up on you hands.

You had learned how to get around with your arms carrying you early on after losing your legs. It at least didn’t make you look entirely small or helpless. The girl looked at you a bit surprised but glared at you none the less.

“The names Vriska, I’ll save you the time, your not going to want to spend time with Tavros. He’s just a wimp and can’t do anything 8y himself. 8esiiiiiiiides it’s not like he’d want to waste his time with another cripple. With all those disa8ilities he has why’d he want to deal with twice as much.” You glared back and hurried your way over head butting her shin.

She tripped back surprised, you made your way over and jumped on her. You were pissed, no one calls you a cripple as an insult and gets away with it. You got on her stomach and started punching at her face and pulled at her hair.

You didn’t get enough punches in to lower your rage when you felt yourself being lifted off Vriska. You looked back to see Gamzee was holding you away from Vriska. He placed you back in your wheelchair, not a good idea considering you were still mad. Vriska was getting back up when you rolled over fast as you could and basically ran her over. Gamzee quickly pushed you back holding your wheelchair back with his foot while trying to help Vriska back up.


“Heh, you can throw a punch I’ll give you that. Alright, you want to deal with Tavros fine, I’ll leave you 8e for now. Laaaaaaaater little girl.” Vriska had stood up and flipped her hair out her face as she turned walking away.

You would have rolled over and got her to fall on her face into the concrete if Gamzee didn’t pick you up and tell you to calm down. You huffed as he place you back down, Tavros had stayed back during your little out break. He didn’t know what to do exactly so he just rolled next to you and placed a hand on your shoulder. You sighed, being around Tavros you couldn’t stay completely mad.

“Sorry about that Tav, that Vriska chick, she has the nerve to fucking call me disabled and a cripple. People don’t understand.” You looked away shrugging off Tavros’ hand.

“bUT ____ WE ARE DISABLED. sURE I DON’T LIKE PEOPLE POINTING IT OUT BUT, uH, vRISKA IS JUST LIKE THAT, sHE ISN’T WORTH IT.” He had rolled in front of you, you couldn’t avoid looking at his chocolate eyes and feel pain.

“Tavros why would you admit to that? Sure we can’t do what everyone else can because we don’t have our own legs to use but still. We just have different challenges to face everyday. Others have trouble getting to work through traffic, we have trouble getting through the streets without bumping into anyone. The things we go through are challenges, not disabilities, and the fact that you let someone like her say that kind of stuff isn’t right. Sorry to have exploded like that but considering your fine with someone like that walking off after her calling use cripples and calling you a wimp I’ll just leave. You were probably busy anyways. Bye” With that long winded speech you backed up and rolled off fighting back tears.

You quickly rolled away from Tavros and tried not to cry. You didn’t care where you were going and just wanted to get away from there. Tavros just sat where he was stunned feeling like he just screwed up. Gamzee sighed and rolled Tavros inside. You rolled around and soon found yourself at a small park. You didn’t usually visit parks but right now you just wanted to find some isolated area and park there. You found a corner in the park covered by some bleachers. There was a wall behind the bleachers and you thought it would be a good hiding place. You rolled in-between the wall and bleachers and found yourself unable to hold back anymore.

You parked your wheelchair and began crying, you felt your face burn as tears rolled down. You lifted a hand to where it hurt and found some blood on your hand when you looked at them. Seems that Vriska girl managed to get a scratch at you without you knowing. You shivered as you continued crying. Why did it hurt so bad? You weren’t in physical pain aside from your stomach hurting. You felt like crap and couldn’t help but cry harder.

You felt emotional pain, like your heart was breaking, like you were betrayed. You stared down at what was left of your legs, you cried more. Why would someone just insult you for having lost your legs? Why would someone call it a disability? Why would they label you as a cripple? Why would Tavros, of all people, agree that you and him were disabled? You whipped away your tears as you continued on. Why did Tavros have to say that? You usually weren’t hurt easily by comments like that, if anything you would be mad. But hearing that from Tavros just hurt you, it hurt almost as just as it did when you lost your legs.

You continued crying and tried your best to calm down. You got your noises down to sniffles and whimpers. You continued your trail of sad questions. You continued shivering alone, you continued feeling your heart break. You questioned yourself.

The questioning you: ‘Why did hearing Tavros say such things hurt you?’

The answering you: ‘I don’t know.’

The questioning you: ‘Why does it hurt you so much?’

The answering you: ‘I don’t know, it just does.’

The questioning you: ‘That isn’t an answer and you know it.’

The answering you: ‘Yes it is, I can’t tell why it is that he hurts me.’

The questioning you: ‘How do you feel about Tavros?’

The answering you: ‘I’m not sure. He had been making me so happy, he made me smile when I met him. Then he goes and agrees and I feel like he betrayed me.’

The questioning you: ‘Why is it that someone you barely know can hurt you like that? No one manages to hurt you like that.’

The answering you: ‘He had seemed like someone I could trust and talk to freely, and he said that. It just hurts so much…I can’t help but cry.’

The questioning you: ‘I think we both know why it is that Tavros was able to hurt us like this.’

The answering you: ‘…’

The questioning you: ‘You love him don’t you?’

The answering you: ‘…Yes, he just somehow, got me to love him…’

The questioning you: ‘That’s why you feel this way isn’t it? Because your crush betrayed you.’

The answering you: ‘Yes, out of all people, I don’t want to hear it from him’

The questioning you: ‘Check your phone, someone’s contacting you.’

You stopped your self questioning and checked your phone. You had a text message. You whipped your eyes as you checked it. Yo squinted through tear filled eyes as you read it.

“uH ____, wHAT’S WRONG? yOU JUST ROLLED OFF, uH, aRE YOU ALRIGHT?” It was Tavros, you began crying again as you tried to text him.

“Not really to be honest. I’m hiding and crying right now. I don’t want to talk about it Tavros.” You sent the text and rubbed your eyes with your arm.

You were a bit surprised with how little time there was for you to clear your eyes before your phone rang again. You checked it, again it was Tavros. Your surprised that he was able to respond so quickly. Again you checked the message.

“____ TELL ME WHAT’S WRONG, }: ( pLEASE,” He clearly seemed to care, you reluctantly replied.

“I’m crying because it feels like you betrayed me in some way. I hate people saying that someone in a wheelchair is disabled or call them a cripple. It isn’t right for them to label us especially since they don’t know what it’s like. Then you went and agreed like that, it’s like a person that’s being beat telling the amuser to beat them. Sure that’s an out of proportion comparison but still. It really hurts that you’d say that. Even more because it’s you.” You looked at the block of text, against your emotions you sent it. He replied after a few minutes most likely taken to read it.

“wHAT DO YOU MEAN BY BECAUSE IT’S ME?” Tavros was pushing to open a door to your emotions that you didn’t even know you had. You reply.

“Tavros….there are a few reasons that it hurts especially because it’s you. You’re in the same position I’m in with the situation but you agree with those that aren’t. I also can’t help but trust you and feel open to tell you things I usually wouldn’t even tell others in the same position as us. And….I don’t think I should say anymore…” You bit the bottom of your lip whipping away what you hoped would be the last of your tears.

You looked around in your dark hiding place, no one seemed to be in the area so you hugged yourself. You thought in the silence. Would you ever tell him what you were just willing to except about your own emotions? He’s so sweet and you showed him the worst side of you.

“He’d never except me after that. No matter how much I love him.” You muttered to yourself as you clutched your phone. You waited for him to reply.

He finally responded, “i’M GONNA COME FIND YOU,” You looked at your phone surprised.

Why would he do that? He doesn’t even know where you are, let alone any idea where you might be. Why would he even bother? Does he actually care about how you are right now? You looked around then back down to your phone. You can either tell him where you are to save him the trouble or tell him not to even come.

“I’m hiding in a park near your home. I’m hiding between a wall and bleachers.” You decided to save him the trouble of searching.

You stayed under the bleacher taking deep breaths. You tried to calm down, you didn’t want him to see you shivering and crying like a little kid. You checked you bag and took out some napkins and whipped your face. You may have told him you were crying but you really hope you could stop by the time he finds you. You looked around listening carefully, you started hearing the sound of someone moving through the grass.

You were still in the dark of the bleachers so Tavros didn’t see you hiding. You unlocked your phone so he could see you inside.

“Tavros I’m right here…” You were still a bit hurt so your voice was soft.

Tavros turned around, he somehow heard you. You moved back as he wheeled his way next to you in the darkness. He looked around since you had locked your phone leaving the both of you in the dark crave under the bleachers. You tapped his shoulder letting him know where you were.

“____ ARE YOU OKAY? yOU SEEMED PRETTY UPSET WHEN YOU LEFT.” Tavros really did seem worried, you could see he clearly but he seemed unable to find you. You stayed silent though not fully wanting to answer.

“____ PLEASE TELL ME WHAT’S WRONG.” You rolled next to him and scooted in your chair to be as close to him as possible.

Tavros jumped when he felt arms wrap around him. You had leaned towards him and tried to hug him. You nuzzled your head into his neck. You took in his scent and felt yourself loose your composer. You couldn’t fake that you were hurt, that you were confused, that you wanted to be with him.

To your surprise you felt arms wrap around you pulling you close. Tavros was hugging you, that could mean any of three things. He was just hugging you so he wouldn’t seems like he was an asshole, he actually cared, or he was just hugging you back because it was awkward. You felt his hands stoke your hair, you stayed silent taking in the feeling of hugging him and being this close to Tavros. You started crying again, you hugged him tighter crying into his neck.

“wHAT’S WRONG ____, pLEASE TELL ME.” You looked up at him and sniffled.

You sniffled crying harder, “It hurts so much…to feel betrayed by someone you don’t want to hurt you…” You hiccupped between words and took a deep breath, “Especially if it’s the person…..You think you love…” You were full blown crying and pulled back.

Now he knew, he knew how you felt. You cried and rolled your wheelchair back away from him wanting to get distance hoping maybe rejection would hurt less from a distance. You silenced your crying not wanting him to find you. You felt your eyes and cheeks burn, you felt so much emotional pain, it was no surprise to you that you were breaking down at the moment. You have exposed your feeling and left yourself as a target for insults and pain. Why were you so open around him?
You felt a hand on your shoulder surprising you, you looked up in the dark and could see that it was Tavros. You sat still, half wishing you’d disappear and half wishing you could clearly see whatever emotion he had on his face. You felt his hand move to your cheek gently holding your face. His thumb caressed your cheek softly in a gentle calming way. You felt more tears roll down your face. He was still so kind towards you after that. How can he still be so sweet when you have a pit in your stomach telling you this is a cruel lure.

“iT’S OKAY ____, i-i LOVE YOU TOO…” Your eyes widened when you heard it escape Tavros’ lips. Did he really just say that?

You sniffled staring at him in disbelief. He whipped away what was left of your tears. You wrapped your arms about his neck quickly drawing him into a kiss. He didn’t hesitate in returning your affection, he wrapped his arms around your figure pulling you towards him tipping your wheelchair slightly.

You felt tears gather at the corner of your as you kissed him, you felt, joy from it. His affection was bliss, he was gentle, he was kind, he was caring, he was now yours. His lips tasted and smelled of dark chocolate, bitter yet insanely sweet. He pulled back, you could tell he was smiling in the dark. You cleaned your eyes and took a deep breath of needed air. You tapped Tavros’ shoulder to let him know where you were.

“Come on Tavros lets get out from under here.” You said rolling out from the darkness.

“aLRIGHT ____.” With that he rolled himself out and you started ahead of him.

“Come on Tavros I’m pretty sure there’s a nice little bakery near here where we can get some sweets to celebrate.” You said smiling.

Tavros smiled following after you. You laughed happily as you rolled out of the park with Tavros near by. The two of you rolled through the sidewalks holding hands and some how not crashing. It was fun. There was finally someone else that understood how it felt, what it was like, to be in a wheelchair. Someone you could talk to about it on a personal level that understood how it felt. Not only someone that understood but someone that you could love, it made you feel, so loved. Tavros understood you, and you understood him, because the two of you shared, similar challenges.

i have been working on this for so long and i was finally able to bring it to an end.
sorry but i had to asign a gender even though it was barely used. i had to since it was a bit weird to read and when i added gamzee in it had to have one gender. I always add gamzee and that really screws up making it gender neutral cuz of his qork.
yes i made tavros and all the others human so deal with it.
i put so much effort so i hope its good.
Homestuck belongs to :iconandrewhussieplz:
you belong to :icontavrosplz:
story by me!
© 2013 - 2024 Crazylight36
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moonsong12's avatar
Darn, now i want dark chocolate ://