
What a Cute Card (Reader X Sollux)

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Crazylight36's avatar

Literature Text

You need to hurry and open your locker. You managed to open it in your tired stupor and to your surprise you noticed something fly down and out of it to the floor. You looked down to see what it was.

It seemed to be a birthday card. It was pretty cute, you smiled going down to get a closer look at it.

It was a cute bumble bee. It was cartoon styled and simply cute. You picked it up chuckling at the cute card. You had a small idea on who could have given you the card, but right now your main priority is your locker and getting all the crap you need.

You debated shortly with yourself on taking your wireless mouse and laptop with you for study hall. You decided hell fucking yes. Sure it took up plenty of space in your bag making you leave a few books in order to carry it but you don’t care. You’re a technology person so old paper books aren’t one of your favorite things to use. You liked using your laptop and mouse for whatever you could so you never left it behind.

You closed your locker finally having all that you think you need and smirked to yourself satisfied in your decision to carry your laptop. You looked at the adorable card again smiling, you decide it’s best you get somewhere before opening it. Never know when someone decides to snatch the card from the tech nerd. You nodded at your decision again and hurry off to the computer room.

You spend most of your study halls in the computer room since you are a tech person. Study hall was just extra time at the beginning of school to let idiots study and finish their homework, and smartasses time to do extra credit. But the main point of it was to let the late bus kids get time so they won’t be late to class. Pretty smart with that in your opinion. You don’t need that time for extra credit or such, your smart enough as is and don’t give a flying or sitting fuck what others think of your cocky attitude with it. 

If you have spare time you will spend it on important matters.

You do have a life outside of school and you like to balance time scheduling with your priorities. You with your amazing skills are able to get all the shit you need to get done finished within the time you feel you need for it and still have much time left over. You like to fill that time with your own interests such as typing, online chatting with close real friends, and gaming of course, along with the occasional code. You smirked feeling pride in thinking about your skills. You then spot the computer room and grin. Time to mess with the school.

You carefully walk in and check if it’s busy. It isn’t, there’s barely any students in the room and no teacher. It’s heaven for any hacker and you know just who to expect here. You walked in and walked over to sit in a corner computer but someone beat you to it. You pout slightly but chuckle knowing who took the spot. You sink into the seat next to them and tap their shoulder lightly grinning.

The person turned slightly looking at you behind bright 3-D glasses. They grinned upon seeing you and you return the grin. Both you and your close friend are the tech nerd and hackers in your small group. You start up the computer your sitting in front of and pull out the card you had found in your locker. You wanted to make sure your friend saw you read the card.

Your friend glanced over seeing you pull out the card. You acted as though you didn’t catch the glance and smirk to yourself and look at it for a moment. You know this quark from the many hacking wars and online conversations you’ve had. Seems your earlier guess was correct.

‘hey happy wriiggliing day ____

hope you don’t work your2elf two hard on tho2e 2hiitty code2 of your2 twoday. Of cour2e you wiill have two iif you plan on hackiing me (good luck wiith that)

your pal,

2ollux ’

You chuckled, of course you did plan on trying to hack your good lisping friend today but considering that maybe you’ll spare him the annoyance. You look over to Sollux sitting next to you, you grin seeing he’s focused on his computer clearly typing some code. You take it as an opportunity and hug him tight.

You managed to startle him and get him to almost fall off his chair. You laughed and got the attention of the other tech nerds drawn to the two of you. You stopped and looked as he readjusted his glasses on his face while trying to calm a faint yellow blush. You grin again, seems the cocky bastard had trouble keeping his poker face.

“what the hell wath that for ____?” He more or less whispered trying not to get any more attention drawn to your corner.

“Thanks for the card lisp king. Its really nice that you remembered.” You said smiling as you leaned towards him.

“at leatht your calling me a kiing” He was grinning of course and you playfully punched his arm getting a chuckle from him.

You looked back at your computer and saw it had started. You pulled out your laptop and set it next to the desktop. You got into the guest sign in for the school and got into the personal database of the school. You took your laptop and copied down the steps. You liked keeping record of the things you got into. You easily got into the schedules and got the lunch for next week changed a bit to serve some of your more favored sides. Sollux looked over at your work and smirked.

“make sure they add honey for thothe breakfatht trayth.” Sollux lisped leaning over your shoulder.

You nodded and did just that. You cataloged the last of your work and gestured for Sollux to move with you to the other corner of the room. You knew that the school would sometimes care when someone managed to change things and knew better than to stay seated in the same computer when you did so. Sollux moved with you not wanting to get blamed. You quickly moved your catalogue to your flash drive and hid it in your bag grinning at your work.

“you really are thomething elthe ____” He seemed to be lost in a trance with how he said your name, you chuckled.

“You alright there Captor? I seem to have gotten your cocky behavior to submit.” You said with your grin clear plastered on your face, he chuckled.

“ii haven’t thubmiitted two you ____” He said softly looping his fingers about your chin. “but ii know that you’ll thubmiitte thoon.” holding your breath.

He again laughed and continued his work leaving you to blush. You shook your head and opened up your laptop to work on other things. You pulled a different flash drive out and opened some of your writing. You decided it was best to get some of your more personal work done. You opened to a friend fiction of yours. You loved joking with your friends and shipping them like Nepeta does just to tease and vex them. You grinned typing one of Sollux and Eridan, knowing they hated each other it just made it more fun, you also know Sollux will get nosy and hack you to get a copy of what your typing.

You saw his curiosity hidden behind his glasses and quickly finished typing some perverted bits to it. You add a little bottom note for when he’s done reading it saying: ‘Hey Sollux, Glade you liked it too the end, I’m checking for your reaction >;]’

You smiled and saved your handiwork on the flash drive, you quickly added your own little code to it so that once Stolen it won’t close on the page. You love torturing Sollux with this stuff, and your sure he’ll appreciate you not setting him as the bottom for it. He should at least since you easily could have had him moaning and crying out for more in the story. You glance over at him and notice the code, you smirk and know to watch him after he opens the file.

You noticed a message on your computer, you gladly opened it to find it being none other than Sollux being nosy with what you were typing. You send him the coded file and grin to yourself. You look over at Sollux finding he was on his laptop that he insisted on calling a husktop. You watch him open the file and scan it over before actually starting to read. He had blush growing on his face. Bingo.

He was making disgusted faces with his yellow blush tinting his face. You grin and opened a new document to type one you promised Nepeta. You kept glancing at him seeing he was trying to close the file. You glanced down at his pants and notice nothing poking out, seems he didn’t get far.

“____ WHAT THE HELL?!” He whispered but still had the hashness of a shout, you lifted a finger.

“Ah, ah, ah, I worked really hard on it, you were so curious and I’d hate for you to start and never finish it Solly. Once you finish it I’ll close the file for you.” You said grinning while he growled and saw nothing better than to read it.

You grinned as you continued typing Nepeta’s requested friend fiction and glanced at Sollux occasionally and looked over his shoulders to see where he had gotten in the story. You chuckled when you saw his reactions to it, you also noticed how he had started to get aroused by it. You know Sollux to be one to imagine things when he reads or hears them so you know he’s getting a pretty good image since you made sure to describe it well. You felt like a criminal master mind having done such a thing to Sollux and felt pride in what you had accomplished. You continued finishing Nepeta’s request and saved it on your flash drive. You quickly sent her the file and looked over at Sollux noticing something clearly poking through his jeans and possibly dampening them. You were ever so evil considering you managed to get him in such a state over something you typed and that it was a ship of him and Eridan. You have to remember to send the Ampora the file as well.

“What did you think Sol?” You asked grinning at him, he slowly turned his head.

“you are a thiick thiick perthon ____.” He simply said with his lisp and yellow coating his face, your grin widened.

“Just hand me the laptop and I’ll close the file.” You said calmly, he slid it into your lap.

You did your handiwork and Sollux snuck up behind you watching. He was leaning over with his chin resting on your shoulder. You kept calm since you were use to his teasing even though you somewhat craved him. You are very fond of the lisping tech nerd even with all of the flirting and teasing. You two were almost evenly matched depending on what you were in battle with and for.

“ii read your liittle note at the end, you thee thomethiing you liiked?” He said softly in your ear, you chuckled blush tinting your face.

“Maybe I did maybe I didn’t, does it really matter Sol?” You said as you hid the pain you had in the back of your mind.

“What do you mean by that?” He asked taking a nip at your ear.

“Last I heard you were with Aradia and Feferi. That they didn’t mind sharing you and shit. Frankly I don’t roll that way, you double your quadrant space but I don’t. My max is one Kismesis and one Matesprit and that’s it.” You said handing Sollux back his laptop that finally had the file closed.

“But that’s the last that you heard. I’m not with the two of them anymore ____.” He said sitting back down next to you.

“So I’m guessing you finally picked between the two of them than right?” You said starting another story, one that you yourself were very fond of.

“Yeah, neiither of them. They weren’t exactly riight for me.” He said opening some program.

“Hm, I still don’t see anything about how you reacted appealing, it was a fake of what could happen between you and Eridan. So it still doesn’t matter if I liked what I saw or not because it wasn’t a reaction towards me.” You said sounding like the smartass you believe yourself to be as you typed.

Sollux grinned, “what iif ii told you iit wath a reactiion towardth you? ii had read fiithh diickth name ath yourth and iimagiined iit ath you.” He said grinning, your blush grew worse embarrassing you.

“Your such an ass Sollux…” You said simply, you had the gut feeling he was just teasing you. The bell rang.

“ii’ll text you iin clathth.” Sollux stated as he walked out. You left heading to your class.

You hated when school actually started since it meant going to the same old classes and having no easy way to type anything. You slid into your class and hid your phone as you always do and waited for Sollux.

‘ii wa2nt lyiing about iit ____. ii thought of you whiile reading iit.’ You scowl at the text.

‘sollux if your trying to tease me so help me gog I will hurt you.’ you boiled but tried to focus on the lesson and your phone.

‘why wont you beliieve that ii thought about you whiile reading iit?’ You blush.

‘because I know better than to think you have any reason to feel that way towards me’

‘ judgiing by what you were typiing thats a liie. ii diidnt really thiink youd feel that way about me eiither. iit was almo2t two good two be true’ You blushed and held your breath.


‘hehe, iit2 under2tandable for you two be mad at me but ii am pretty iintere2ted iin knowiing how you truly feel about me ____. ii’ll 2ee you at lunch.’ That was the end of your texting with him and the end of your life.

*Equius changes time by running by with Nepeta on his back*

You went through your classes somewhat terrified of Sollux, if he really did read your friend fiction he’d know you pretty well. You were typing smut of you and him and didn’t have time to code it so he couldn’t sneak a peak. You felt so stupid for not noticing he was reading it. You were horrified when lunch finally came around. You stopped into the lunch room quickly getting your food hoping no one would mention your birthday, luckily no one did. You hurried out and went to an empty computer room.

Being that you always need to spend your free time in one of the many computer rooms you know which ones are unoccupied during which periods. You walked in flicking on the lights for a second, you saw another one of your computer associates and made your ways to a corner seat. You pulled out your laptop and coded your friend fiction that Sollux had stole. You then continued your typing knowing it was now safe. You may feel some shame in continuing it after your crush being discovered but you hated when you didn’t finish your work.

You lost your track of thought when a hand rested on your shoulder. You flicked your laptop closed and looked back to see Sollux with a smirk. You blushed and got up from your seat, you pushed him aside and sat in a different seat. Sollux didn’t take it as a sign to step off but a sign to pursue. You sighed and pulled on your shades, they were reflective so your eyes could hide behind them.

“you thtiill haven’t made iit clear how you feel ____.” Sollux was leaning into your ear.

“I don’t need to Sol so stop teasing, I know you don’t feel flushed for me so stop trying to lead me on. That’s the last thing I want today.” You said with your eyes shut behind the shades that hid them so well, it hurt.

“you don’t even know how ii feel ____. You never gave me a chance two tell you. Your guethth of me not feeliing fluthhed for you iith completely wrong.” You blushed quickly turning your head to Sollux looking at him over your shades.

“If your lying to me Sollux…” You growled, you couldn’t help but think he was pulling your leg.

“ii’m fluthed for you ____.” Sollux tried to sound smooth but his lisp made it a bit edgy, he cupped one side of your face leaning into your face.

“Y-you’re not l-lying to me.” You stuttered as your face was tinted from how close he was to you.

“not at all.” His words rolled as he easily closed the space between the two of you.

You felt bliss in his kiss. You heard a few disappointed awes, you know well enough that some of the other computer loving guys were interested in you but this definitely meant they couldn’t be with you now. Wonderful, it was wonderful, he tasted sweet like you would expect from a guy that loved honey. You entangled your fingers in his hair making it slightly messy. He held your waist as he started kissing down your neck. He started biting and licking at your neck leaving you shivering.

“Hey! Stop it your reminding us that the rest of us are single! Go in the hall for that alright!” Some guy shouted at the two of you and you chuckled.

You pulled out of Sollux’s hug and gave him a quick peck on the cheek, you started eating your lunch. You opened up the art program on your laptop and doodled something while you finished. You sent it to Sollux who raised an eyebrow at you.

“diid you code thiith one?” He asked pouting slightly.

“Oh come on, I love you so why would I try to hack you now?” You said leaning towards him acting hurt.

“you already felt fluthhed for me, we always hack each other.” He had to point out the obvious didn’t he.

“Just open it Sol, it isn’t a virus.” You said winking.

He opened the file finding a poorly drawn drawing of the two of you. You tried to make it so you and him were embracing, it was close enough. Sollux smiled hugging you.

“you know ____, that would make a pretty cute card.” You grinned at him. 

Been working on this for the past few days. I'm sorry but I wanted to do sollux and I tried to make it short but then it seemed rushed then I tried to make it longer and it came out like this. Why is it I can't make a two page story I don't know but here you go. The amazing hacker himself, sollux.
Ps just a little thing I want to know, should I make the gamzee and Tavros cards just one story where the reader gets both or should that be an extra thing? Tell me in the comments
Hope you all enjoy
homestuck belongs to :iconandrewhussieplz:
You belong to :iconsolluxthrustplz:
story by me

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~Scratch Trolls
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~Pre-scratch Kids
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